First of all we need to know what does it mean the term product placement. Product placement is an adveritising techniques used by companies to subtly promote their products through a non-traditional advertising technique, usually through apperances in film, television, or other media. The media company and a product manufacturer should come to an agreement and of course a product manufacturer should pay for a product placement so that the media company will be interested in this deal.
Every time when I watch movies I notice something that most of my friends don't. In almost every movie we can see different types of brands that can be noticed, if you watch a movie carefully. You think that it is the part of the movie and it means nothing; however, the professional advertisers with the colleboration of the media company involve these brands so that it would not be very obvious in the movie, but at the same time it can be noticed by audience.
Recently, one of the most famous technological firms, Apple, won 2010 award for the Overall Product Placement. You can see Apple in almost all the top movies of US, and in my point of view it is quite impossible not to notice that.

Recently, one of the most famous technological firms, Apple, won 2010 award for the Overall Product Placement. You can see Apple in almost all the top movies of US, and in my point of view it is quite impossible not to notice that.
One of the worst product placement was in Wall Street: Money never sleeps, from a blatant Heineken plug to a surfeit of Dunkin' Donuts cups, each overt placement was outdone in the film's final moments, when Stone inserts a match-cut from an IWC watch face o a birthday cake
In conclusion, as we all know media has huge influence on us, and movies are part of media; so by placing the advertisements in movies the audience may think "I should buy the same product as this famous actor in this movie, because if a celebrity uses this product so it is really good". Most of the time the product placement works because we as an audience get influenced by it.
I am going to use this last video in my classes. Thanks
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