In this post I'm going to talk about subliminal messages in the cartoons. Recently, I found out that almost everything that surrounds us contains some hidden messages. Brand's logos, movies, advertisements, etc. all of these contains hidden messages, we also call it subliminal messages. But just a few weeks ago my friend told me about subliminal messages in the cartoons and I decided to make some research; by the end of the day I was shocked to figure out that when I watch cartoons I don't notice such obvious things.
The word subliminal literally means "below the liminal", or beneath perception. That's slightly misleading, because for subliminal messages to work, they must be perceived at some level, and so a better definition might be “below the threshold of consciousness”. Subliminal messaging therefore refers to the act of sending messages directly to the subconscious mind.
Most of the Disney's cartoons consist of the subliminal messages and in almost all of Disney's cartoons or movies we can find a word "SEX" which is hidden somewhere in between the scenes. Now i wonder if this is the word that all children should know when they watch "entertaining" cartoons? Or may be this word helps children to understand the main point of the cartoon? Of course, Disney claimed that it was not created on purpose and they didn't want to insult someone. They removed the scenes where audience has noticed these messages but by removing one scene which contained the subliminal message they were adding another one where no one could notice it.

But let's forget about word "SEX", what about the images or scenes that are not appropriate for children in the cartoons. I found a lot of scenes in Disney cartoons that were kind of funny and at the same time insulting. My favorite Disney cartoon was The Little Mermaid. Now when I saw the scene, where the priest seems to be a little too happy to be at Eric's and Ursula's wedding and gets an erection, I realized that this wasn't the movie that I used to enjoy watching over and over again. In addition, have you ever seen the 1st cover of The Little Mermaid? I guess you did, but you've never noticed an interesting part of kingdom and I hope that cover was drawn by a disgruntled artist.
If you think that Walt Disney is the only studio that promotes subliminal messages, then you are wrong. Let's take as an example Nickelodeon. Oh, I loved it when I was a kid; however, now when I realize what I was watching, I understand that I should not show this cartoons to my young sister. I guess many of us love Spongebob Squarepants, now let's take a look at what does Patrick, Spongebob's friend, do at one of the scenes that I can perfectly remember in one of the episodes.
Unfortunately, these examples that I demonstrated are just a few among other million that exist. My advice is to pay attention on what your younger siblings, children and nieces/nephews watch, because this type of messages affect their mind and this may lead to a undesirable circumstances.
The word subliminal literally means "below the liminal", or beneath perception. That's slightly misleading, because for subliminal messages to work, they must be perceived at some level, and so a better definition might be “below the threshold of consciousness”. Subliminal messaging therefore refers to the act of sending messages directly to the subconscious mind.
Most of the Disney's cartoons consist of the subliminal messages and in almost all of Disney's cartoons or movies we can find a word "SEX" which is hidden somewhere in between the scenes. Now i wonder if this is the word that all children should know when they watch "entertaining" cartoons? Or may be this word helps children to understand the main point of the cartoon? Of course, Disney claimed that it was not created on purpose and they didn't want to insult someone. They removed the scenes where audience has noticed these messages but by removing one scene which contained the subliminal message they were adding another one where no one could notice it.

But let's forget about word "SEX", what about the images or scenes that are not appropriate for children in the cartoons. I found a lot of scenes in Disney cartoons that were kind of funny and at the same time insulting. My favorite Disney cartoon was The Little Mermaid. Now when I saw the scene, where the priest seems to be a little too happy to be at Eric's and Ursula's wedding and gets an erection, I realized that this wasn't the movie that I used to enjoy watching over and over again. In addition, have you ever seen the 1st cover of The Little Mermaid? I guess you did, but you've never noticed an interesting part of kingdom and I hope that cover was drawn by a disgruntled artist.
If you think that Walt Disney is the only studio that promotes subliminal messages, then you are wrong. Let's take as an example Nickelodeon. Oh, I loved it when I was a kid; however, now when I realize what I was watching, I understand that I should not show this cartoons to my young sister. I guess many of us love Spongebob Squarepants, now let's take a look at what does Patrick, Spongebob's friend, do at one of the scenes that I can perfectly remember in one of the episodes.
Unfortunately, these examples that I demonstrated are just a few among other million that exist. My advice is to pay attention on what your younger siblings, children and nieces/nephews watch, because this type of messages affect their mind and this may lead to a undesirable circumstances.